Altar Servers are children or teenagers who assist the priest during Mass. Their name comes from the Latin word “ministrare” which means “to server”. Altar Servers try to follow the example of Jesus, who came to serve all of us.
It is a great honor and privilege to serve at the Altar of our Lord. In assisting the priest and deacon, one serves the people of God, and above all, one serves Christ.
At Holy Trinity, we are truly grateful for our 48 dedicated Altar Servers ranging from Fifth to Twelfth Grades! Soon our Fourth Graders will be invited to join the holy ranks of Altar Servers.
Special Tasks of Altar Servers During Mass:
- Light the altar candles
- Carry the Processional Cross and processional candles
- Hold the Missal for the Priest
- Carry the Thurible (Censer) and Incense
- Assist the priest in accepting the gifts from the people
- Present the bread, wine, and water to the priest
- Ring the bells at the Consecration
Special Qualities of Altar Servers
- Reverent
- Committed
- Faithful
- Punctual
- Responsible
- Dependable
- Generous
- Joyful