As a parish founded by St. John Neumann and dedicated to the Holy Trinity, we worship the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the celebration of the Liturgy. Through Word and Sacrament, we are then given the strength to go forth to live out our faith in our daily lives, bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to all we encounter.

    • Fr. Daniel C. Mitzel, Pastor
    • Sr. Anna Cosgrave, OSF – Pastoral Assistant
    • Christine Horn, Parish Secretary
    • Faith Murphy, Director of Religious Education
  • Deacon Henry Reese, Permanent Deacon
  • Deacon Jim Doyle, Permanent Deacon, retired





  Holy Trinity has signed up with Parish Giving to offer online giving to our parishioners and visitors through their computer, tablet, or smartphone!

You can click on the link to be taken to their page to sign up (or just do a one-time donation),
or you can find “Parish Giving” in the Google Play Store (app by John Hartmann) or Apple App Store (app by John Patrick)!


