Building and Grounds Committee
The Buildings and Grounds Committee is a sub-committee of the Holy Name Society, and manages the maintenance, repair, and contracting to properly care for the buildings and properties of the parish. Anyone with skills, talent, and training in wood, metal, plumbing, construction, HVAC, electric, or any other area that would be helpful for us in caring for, maintaining, and repairing our buildings and properties are urged to consider offering their skills to the parish through the work of this committee.
Cemetery Committee
The Cemetery Committee provides guidance to the pastor as to the needs and concerns for the maintenance, repair, and contracting to properly care for the parish cemetery.
Parish Finance Council
The Parish Finance Council is comprised of seven appointed parish representatives with expertise in finance, business, and related skills. The PFC reviews parish financial records and transactions, ensures that the parish is meeting its financial and legal responsibilities with best practices, and helps to develop the parish annual budget. The PFC advises the Pastor on the financial stewardship of the parish temporal resources. The PFC meets every other month.
2021-2022 Parish Finance Council Members
Mary Barninger – Chairman
Tom Deascenti
Paul Resch
Paul Nikolaus
Jason Crumbling
Matt Samley
Mike Helwig
Parish Pastoral Council
The Parish Council is comprised of nine elected and appointed representatives of the parish who report the status and activities of various areas of parish life to the Council, and serve to advise and give feedback to the Pastor in leading the parish. Each member serves a 3-year term, with a third of the members overturning each year. The Parish Council meets monthly. Parish members may bring recommendations and concerns about the parish to any of the Parish Pastoral Council members.
2023-24 Parish Pastoral Council Members
Jay Barninger, Chairman
Mindy O’Leary, Co-Chairman
Kim Droege
Danielle Fleckenstein
Joan Kauffman
Thomasine “Tommy” Lutz
Joseph Schauren, III
Teresa Weisser.